Welcome to children’s books set in the United States
Finding children’s books about U.S. states
Below you will find a list of U.S. States organized by the alphabet. To find a children’s travel book set in a specific U.S. state, click on it. Otherwise, to see a list of general United States-set books or specific regional books for the U.S., click here.
Finding children’s books about U.S. National Parks
If you’re looking for books about the National Parks, check out my post where I include children’s books about specific national parks.
Travel tips, too!
Please note that many of the states include added tips for visiting with kids and even links to bookstore recommendations. While there is a lot here, there is still so many more out there. If you don’t find what you are looking for, click on a link to a book and it’ll take you to Amazon recommendations. Lot’s of great finds. Or bookmark the page, I’m always adding more books to the directory. If you have any books you would like to add or any places you want me to dig deeper and find books for, let me know.
Keep track of where you’ve been or where you’ve visited in the US
As you travel through the United States via books or forms of transformation, you may want to keep track of where you’ve read or been. I have some state tracker downloads free just for you.
Children’s books about Africa | Children’s books about the Americas | Children’s books about Asia | Children’s books about Australia & Oceania | Children’s books about Europe
Alabama (8)
Alaska (12)
Arizona (9)
Arkansas (10)
California (28)
Colorado (12)
Connecticut (10)
Delaware (6)
Florida (13)
General & Regional: USA (25)
Georgia (13)
Hawaii (15)
Idaho (7)
Illinois (16)
Indiana (9)
Iowa (10)
Kansas (9)
Kentucky (7)
Louisiana (26)
Maine (14)
Maryland (6)
Massachusetts (11)
Michigan (8)
Minnesota (8)
Mississippi (9)
Missouri (7)
Montana (9)
Nebraska (11)
Nevada (14)
New Hampshire (5)
New Jersey (9)
New Mexico (9)
New York (40)
North Carolina (15)
North Dakota (9)
Ohio (6)
Oklahoma (3)
Oregon (8)
Pennsylvania (9)
Rhode Island (3)
South Carolina (3)
South Dakota (6)
Tennessee (6)
Texas (7)
Utah (2)
Vermont (1)
Virginia (3)
Washington (3)
Washington DC (13)
West Virginia (2)
Wisconsin (6)
Wyoming (7)