Welcome to the Russian Children’s Books section of KidsTravelBooks. Here you’ll find all of the “Russia for kids” resources you can imagine. This includes, but isn’t limited to, many children’s books about Russia recommendations, some book recommendations for adults, and an amazing collection of cultural insights to help enhance the learning about Russia experience.

Best Books Set in Russia
- The ultimate list of Children’s books set in Russia
- Best Children’s books set in Russia
- Russian Picture Books for Children
- Books about children who travel to Russia
Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. – Winston Churchill
Best Books about Russia
- Books about Russian Fiction (with recommendations for age levels from adult to toddler)
- Books about Russia for kids
- Russian Children’s Stories
- Russian Picture Books for Children
- Books that Teach Russian to Children
Russia Kid’s Books
Russia Travel Books
- Books about children who travel to Russia
- Children’s Guidebooks for Russia
- Best children’s books for a trip to Moscow
Best Kids Books in Russian
- Russian Children’s Stories
- Russian Children’s Literature
- Russian Toddler Books
- Books that Teach Russian to Children
- Children’s Books in Russian
- Russian Children’s Book Illustrators
- Russian Children’s Book Authors

Educational Russia Resources for Kids
- Russian Culture for Kids (with a free printable!)
- Russian Children’s Songs
- Russian Children’s Stories
- Children’s book about Rechenkas Eggs
Russia Kid’s Books
Interested in learning about other countries?
- Children’s books about Africa
- Children’s books about the Americas
- Children’s books about Asia
- Children’s books about Australia & Oceania
- Children’s books about Europe
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