Welcome to Kids Travel Books.
So glad you’re here.
I’m going to assume you’re new to this site since you clicked on “start here”.
There is a lot of content on this website. This page will help you find what you need.
I’ve broken it down into three sections. First I’ll share some introductory posts, some help in navigating the many books, and finally Frequently Asked Questions.
Top Posts to get acquainted
My first kids’ travel book love: The book that started it all, almost 10 years ago!
Three travel books every family should own: Don’t know how to start your own collection of books… start here!
Using books to enhance a vacation with kids: Many people think traveling with kids is hard. I’m not one of those people. I’ve taken my toddlers to art museums in major European capitals without much concern. And they’ve had a good time. One way to get kids interested in ANY kind of trip is to teach them about their travel destination in advance. The easiest way to do that? Books!
Using books to teach kids about other cultures: Or even your own heritage. Books are the most affordable way to learn about people all over the world. You may not be able to travel the world physically, but you can still show your kids the world.
Best children’s books for a trip to: This isn’t a post, but a series of posts that focuses on a specific city or destination and suggests books. There’s also, often, travel tips to go along with the books. It’s one of my favorite series to write.
Navigating Kids’ Travel Books
The top menu
At the very top of every page you will find a menu. Each of those links will take you to a different portion of the website:
- Home takes you to the front of the site. My favorite page!
- To Do Tips
- SCROLL until you find something you like
- SEND a link to this page to a friend who loves teaching their kids about the world!
- Global Bookshelf provides the meat of the whole website. This is where all of the book eventually end up and from here you can find books by:
- Children’s books by Country sends you to the page with a list of all the continents and all of the countries Kids’ Travel Books currently has in the directory.
- To Do Tips
- FIND a place you’re interested in and click on it. Check out all of those cool books! Click on the book links to read reviews, get the price, or save it for later. Purchase a book or check to see if your local library carries it.
- LOOK FOR a country you’ve never visited and discover what books exist about that place.
- CLICK on the book and find out how the book is tagged to discover more books.
- ADD TO IT if you know of a book that isn’t in the directory already, let me know and I’ll work on adding it.
- SEND book recommendations to your friends via email or social media.
- REVIEW a book if you’ve read it and loved it! (or hated it!)
- Books by Series lists some of the story series available on the Global Bookshelf and is especially useful for kids who love familiar charachters and storytelling techniques. Find a good book in the series, then binge the rest of the series.
- Books by Type sorts books by themes. Maybe you want a fiction book, a fact book, or the story of Cinderella as told in different countries.
- To Do Tips
- WANDER aimlessly and click around until you find something that sparks joy.
- DISCOVER new books that your children may be interested in.
- Books by Age Range this is still undergoing a huge update, but if you want a quick look at a book for a specific age, you can start here. There’s only a tiny fraction of books listed, but ages are being added to books all of the time.
- Digital Book Reviews some books are fun to read digitally, some are reviewed here
- All books in no order is one of my favorite places to sit and scroll. It takes a while to load, but each time you come to the site you’ll find a different set of books listed in a random order from the Global Bookshelf.
- Children’s books by Country sends you to the page with a list of all the continents and all of the countries Kids’ Travel Books currently has in the directory.
- Subscribers is a section that used to be just for newsletter subscribers, but is currently filled with free downloads available to anyone.
- Resources answers questions that aren’t necessarily kid’s travel book related, you’ll find a random blog archive post generator, tools for learning to read, travel gear tips, and family travel tips.
- Merchandise helps support the site financially and spreading the word with some wallet-friendly Kids Travel Books branded gear.
- Blog is where I write about books via reviews, round-ups, and interviews. There’s also family travel tips because the ultimate goal of this site is to get your family to learn about other cultures through books AND travel.
- To Do Tips
- READ the blog posts! That’s what they’re there for.
- COMMENT on the posts! Don’t be shy. Agree with me? Awesome. Disagree? That’s ok, too. I want to hear from you!
- SHARE posts with your friends, or pin a post onto Pinterest to remember for later.
Once you get to a book
There are many ways to access the book directory. The two most common the Books by Country and Books by Type menu items listed above and via a direct link in a blog post.
Once you get to a book you’ll find:
- A book title and image
- Sometimes you will find links to internal or external blog posts about the book. Click on the links for more in-depth thoughts on the book. If it’s been officially reviewed by this site in the blog, you’ll find the “review” seal there.
- A small button for more information. For now it’s most likely that the button will take you directly to the book’s Amazon pagewhere you can purchase it, read more, put it in your shopping cart, or just browse Amazon. Sometimes the button will take you to IndieBound, then you can purchase through an independent bookstore. Sometimes the button will take you to a third party seller. Sometimes the button will take you to the free, online, digital version of the book. This is typically an affiliate link button, but, of course, you are not obligated or tricked into purchasing anything.
- Under the button are categories and tags I’ve given the book. The category refers to the location of the book. The minimum is the continent the book is set on, most books are attached to a corresponding country, and some are even connected to a specific city. The tags refer to the type of book. It could be a fiction, it could be a series, a story, or something else. You can click on those categories and tags to find other books within the same category or tag.
- Then you’ll find more information about the book. This is a tabbed section that includes a brief book description. There’s often Amazon reviews as well, and there’s a place for you to leave your review. I recommend you do that!
- The social media links under the description will share the book through any social media challenge you prefer. Easy Peezy.
- And finally, related products. This is an automated selection of books the internet thinks are related. Sometimes they’re very obvious. Often, they aren’t. They are, however, all internal. These are all books within the Kids Travel Books directory.
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