Scottish Fairy Tales: An Illustrated Treasury of Scottish Folk & Fairy Tales
This gorgeous book needs to be on any Scottish Fairy Tales fan’s bookshelf. They introduce each story with information about how the author came to learn about the tale and some origins. The beautiful illustrations compliment the individual stories. The tales included are:
- The Wee Bannock
- The Water Kelpie
- The Goshawk and the Brave Lady
- Whuppity Stourie
- The Shepherd’s Dog
- Rashie Coat
- The Selkie of Sanday
- The Eagle and the Wren
- The Brownie of Ballharn Hill
- The Dragon Stoorworm and the Boy Called Assipattle
- Tale End
And if you love what you read here, you may also be interested in An Illustrated Treasury of Scottish Mythical Creatures written and illustrated by the same people.
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