While exploring his new hometown of Taipei, Crameye is on a mission to find his lost sister and still make it home by 5. While he’s dashing through the streets, learn about Chinese language and Taiwanese culture, geography, and more.
This is book two in the Adventurous Mailbox series.
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Who is Crameye Junker?
Crameye Junker is a 12-year-old living in Taipei, Taiwan with his family. These books were written by Crameye himself as he shares his family’s adventures around the world. Along with his kid sister, Buster, and his best friend, Neva, Crameye struggles to understand why his family is always traveling, what his father’s mysterious job is, and why he always finds himself in the middle of something amazing. Series One: Initiation follows Crameye on his adventures around the world until the ultimate and life-changing realization of what his family is all about, and the role he must play in his family’s mission. These books are full of intrigue, mystery, and humor, as well as introduce the cultures of the world.