The Adventurous Mailbox is a subscription book service following the adventures of Crameye Junker. Crameye’s family recently moved to Taiwan, which will be the home-base for his adventures abroad. The books are geared towards kids between the ages of 8 and 12.
Books in series one are set in:
- Finland: (The Mysterious Triplets)
- Taiwan: (Just in Time)
- Brazil: (Devil in a Twister)
- Thailand: (The Right Kind of Tiger)
- Greece: (Why Ask Why)
- Tanzania: (A Scream in the Night)
- Peru: (Questions and Answers)
- Peru too: Reunion
The Adventurous Mailbox offers various packages which can include things like receiving all the books at once, access to a private forum online, receiving each book separately, or receiving the books digitally. A Teacher’s Lounge helps educators find more ways to use the books in the classroom. Package upgrades can be added for a truly unique experience.