Like much of the world right now, I’m home with the kids. We’re homeschooling. While the kids are home with me, I want to make sure to further their love of learning, exploration, and discovery. I was excited when I was contacted to review Sharuko, Peruvian Archaeologist: Julio C. Tello. Yes, it’s about Julio C. Trello, but it’s so much more. Let’s take a look.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book for review, but all thoughts are my own.

Sharuko, Peruvian Archaeologist: Julio C. Tello
Written by Monica Brown
Illustrated by Elisa Chavarri
As a mom, I love a book with a lot of connections. This book connected. Julio C. Tello was an important Peruvian archaeologist, but before that, he was a kid.
Throughout the story of Tello’s childhood, I was able to point out the similarities to my own kids – exploring the foothills around them (for Tello, the Andes and for us, the Sierra Nevadas), the family going out of their way for them in the name of education (for Tello, heading to Lima and an aunt footing the bill and for us, homeschooling), and discovering their heritage (for Tello through findings on his explorations and for us with travel and books).
As Tello grew up the connections of his childhood combined with his education, friendships, and interests guided him to what became his legacy. He helped Peru preserve their Indigenous history.
As a blogger focused on children’s books with a strong sense of place, Sharuko, Peruvian Archaeologist: Julio C. Tello fit the bill. The illustrations do a wonderful job showcasing Peru. While the story is so packed with details, kids will end the book with a laundry list of things they’ll want to learn more via more research or on their next visit to the country.
Learn more about Peru, its history, and its most renowned archeologist, Julio C. Tello. You can purchase the book here.