There are two types of books listed on Kids Travel Books.
- Directory Books – These books are categorized by continent, country, and eventually city or state. Many have not been read or reviewed by Kids Travel Books, but are available as a resource to help families find books about a certain destination. While I haven’t thoroughly reviewed the content of each book, if I notice a book has particularly negative reviews on review sites I will not add it. Otherwise, most books link to a review site (such as Amazon) if you want more information. If you would like to add a book to the directory, please contact me. **Please note, it may take a few weeks to add requested books to the directory.
- Reviewed Books – There are several types of reviewed books within this Kids Travel Books:
- Kids Travel Books seal of approval: Within the directory listing you’ll find a seal of approval and a link to the blog post I wrote about the book. (More information below)
- Reviewed by other bloggers: If a blogger has reviewed and recommended a book, and I get their O.K., I’ll link their review in the directory listing. If you are a blogger who has reviewed a book already in the listing and would like for me to link to your review, please contact me.
- User submitted reviews: Each book in the directory has the option of having user submitted reviews. Just click on the tab that reads “reviews”. I ask that reviews be family-friendly (no profanity, prejudice comments, threats or inappropriate comments. Since all-caps are considered screaming on the internet, please avoid them), relevant (you’ve actually read the book), non-commercial, provide value (so more than just “Great Book!”), and original. If you’ve published a review on your blog, I’d rather you send me a link so that I can add it than copy and paste the information in the review. We reserve the right to remove reviews that violate any of these rules.
Kids Travel Books Seal of Approval
Books I review are posted in the blog and linked in the directory listing for the book.
I only review books I read. My two main criteria for reviewed books are that there’s a strong sense of place and it’s engaging to the intended audience. In my case the audience is kids under 13. I want to showcase books that make children feel like they’ve been there or that they understand the culture a little more now. Even better if kids want to learn more about the place or visit one day.
What about books that don’t meet this criteria? I’m not interesting in posting negative reviews. If the book was somehow misleading in its purpose (ie. the setting isn’t a strong part of the story and it could happen anywhere, or it is extremely disrespectful of the culture it discusses, or it’s very poor in quality, etc.) I will just remove the listing from the directory.
If you would like me to consider reviewing your book, please contact me. **Please note, my schedule only allows me to review a small selection of books outside of my editorial plan. It may take 2+ months before I can review a book.