It’s not that often that I go off topic on this site, but I’m going to veer a little bit. This post is quick, to the point, and to the adult reading.
If you’re interested in travel books for your kids, you may be interested in reading yourself. Amazon Crossings is a recently launched subset of Amazon that offers books that were originally published outside of the U.S., and in another language, and are now available in English translations.
As of this post there are 351 books, I believe.At the moment they are offering NINE kindle books for free. That ends around April 25, 2018. Many of the rest are super cheap (like under $5, with a ton under $1.50!). There are a lot of books that have been on my wishlist for a while. Here are some I’ve downloaded:
These are affiliate links.
Also, I rushed this post. Excuse grammar errors. I wanted to get this out before I left for the day.
And while these books are on sale for a limited time, I believe Amazon Crossing is here to stay. Please check it out, it has international award winners and is organized by category. Let me know if you find anything good.