Our family loves board games. These are big hits for gifts for friends. We especially love geography board games for kids because they’re a fun way to learn about the world. I’ve written about board games several times (both geography games and national parks games), but so many new ones have been winning awards lately, that I had to write a whole new post.
The board games below are either award winning, or affiliated with trusted educational companies for kids.
The World Game – Geography Card Game
I remember being a kid and having a world map on my wall. I stared at it and played little games alone (I’m an only child). This game would’ve been so much easier for me to challenge myself with.
There are fact cards for each country. Players each get 20+ cards. They look through their deck to pick out a fact about a country that they think a country in their hand would win. Everyone plays their best country and the winner gets all of the cards. There are also other ways to play using the included map and cards. It’s a fun way to learn about the world with family or friends.
Race Across the USA Game
Start in your home state and then work your way across a few states and back. Kids at various levels will find age-appropriate levels to even the playing field. It makes it a lot easier for families with siblings in different grades. It’s a fun way to learn about the US.
Continent Race: Geography for Kids Card Game
A 6-year-old boy created this game during an extended hospital stay. He combined his passion for geography with his desire to make hospital visits more fun. Learn about the continents and win the game.
More geography games for kids
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