My husband grew up in SW Florida. It’s also a really popular travel destination for my friends who live in other areas of Florida and a fun place for my local friends willing to fly south. It’s a great Spring Break destination for families with gorgeous beaches and sand. Here’s a list of the best children’s books for a trip to Southwest Florida.
Related: Bloggers Recommend their Favorite Florida Spring Break Destinations

First off, who knew there were so many children’s books about SW Florida? I certainly didn’t. For this post, I can organize it by areas.
Children’s books set in Naples and/or Marco Island Florida
A (Mostly) Kids’ Guide to Naples, Marco Island & the Everglades: Second Edition
by Karen T Bartlett (Author), Karen T. Bartlett (Editor)
When I discovered this series I knew I had to create a post just for this area of Florida. I was so pleased to find other books geared toward SW Florida. While this post focuses mostly on Naples, Marco Island, Fort Myers, and Sanibel/Captiva – I wanted to mention that this particular book also includes the Everglades. We have a post for you if you need more children’s books set in the Everglades.
Ollie Finds a New Home, The Story of a Burrowing Owl on Marco Island
by Roseanne Pawelec (Author), Sue Lynn Cotton (Illustrator)
Burrowing owls are a big deal in Southwest Florida. This one is in Marco Island. For another burrowing owl book, check out Carl Hiaasen’s Hoot.
Goodnight Naples
by Patsy Stiles Burkhart (Author), Jim DeWildt (Illustrator)
My friends love Naples. Great hotels. Great weather. Let this book get you excited for your trip.
N is for Naples
by Lisa Trebilcock (Author)
Not only does this book focus on Naples, Florida, it doesn’t talk about Florida theme parks!
Naples area hotels
Naples has a lot of gorgeous hotels. Since we have family not too far from Naples, we don’t usually stay in this area. However, lots of our friends with kids love the Ritz Carlton Naples.
Booking.comChildren’s books set in Sanibel, Captiva, and Fort Myers
This particular area of SW Florida is one I’m very familiar with. Growing up in Miami, my best friend’s family vacationed to Sanibel every year. I received an annual seashell postcard every year. My husband went to high school in Fort Myers. It’s a great place to visit and see what Thomas Edison and Henry For appreciated about the warm weather.
A (mostly) Kids’ Guide to Sanibel & Captiva Islands and the Fort Myers Coast
by Karen T Bartlett (Author), Karen T. Bartlett (Editor), Margie Olsen (Illustrator), Terri Rickman Golden (Illustrator)
The guide that made me realize that, not only is there interest in this part of the state, but there’s also a lot of books about it!
Annabelle From Sanibel
by Jane Kirschner Tuccillo (Author), Terri Bailey (Illustrator)
I lived in Florida during Hurricane Charley. It was a long, slow-moving hurricane. In my own childhood, I experienced Typhoon Vera in Okinawa which was how my friends and I invented typhoon Vera crackers. So, I can get behind this book.
by Kevin Henkes (Author, Illustrator)
One reviewer said that their daughter loved it so much, she wanted to go to Florida. Doesn’t get better than that.
Dillo: A Baby Armadillo’s Adventure on Sanibel Island
by Kyle L. Miller (Author), Randon T. Eddy (Illustrator)
With fourteen chapters this book highlights fourteen animals found on Sanibel Island.
There’s a Secret on Sanibel and Captiva, Too!
by Karen Kirk Richards (Author), Bruce Kiel (Illustrator)
Learn about the animals on Sanibel and Captiva Islands.
Buddydog Goes On Vacation to Sanibel & Captiva Islands Florida
by Sean M Dever (Author)
Buddydog visits Sanibel and Captiva Islands and sees all of the popular sites.
Peri’s Sanibel Island Adventure
by E.M. Holzman (Author), R.H. Grad (Illustrator)
See and learn about Sanibel’s sites, animals, and more in this book.
Dreaming of Fort Myers
by Applewood Books (Author), Lorrie Bennett (Illustrator)
Countdown 10 – 1 with this board book all about Fort Myers, Florida.