It’s day 10 for the A-Z Challenge.
Let’s go.
Kids Travel Journal: J is for Jokes
I’m not going to bore you with jokes we tell each other while on trips. I will say this, though.
One of the many reasons I love to travel with my family is because of the connections we make. After a trip, I feel closer to them. It’s something that just isn’t replicated when we spend the weekend at home. I love bonding while experiencing new things.
Part of that bonding is because of things that only those were there could get. The difficult of the language barrier, the ridiculous rainfall that made us stay in the hotel room the whole time, and the endless inside jokes.
Almost every day of every trip I take with my family, we have some kind of joke. Some of those jokes make it home, some are forgotten forever.
This prompt is for kids to write the things the family is laughing about on the trip. There are four areas for four jokes.
Day 10 of #atozchallenge || J is for jokes in a Kids' Travel Journal Click To Tweet
Download the pdf by clicking on the image below.
Update: The download is now only accessible for newsletter subscribers. Subscribe here. Subscribers also get access to the resource library which includes free downloads once a month. If you’re still looking for something to download on this page, I created a one-sheet list of the prompts created for this challenge. Click on the image to download
Question for the commenters
I know a big part of the A-Z Challenge is meeting other bloggers and leaving comments. So, to help those of you leaving comments, you can either comment on something above or let me know –
Do you tend to find everything funny on vacation? Do you tend to finish vacations with a bunch of inside jokes?
And next…
Every day during the challenge I’ll be linking to another participant. Today I introduce…
Albom Adventures – She probably doesn’t realize this, but we followed each other a lot during the 2014 A-Z Challenge. I had a different blog then, and if I recall correctly, she now has a new blog name, too. Please visit her!
Christina says
Thank you so much for this! We will be traveling soon with our first child, and I am nervous!
Ellie Augustin says
Oh this is so fun. Although I can’t remember the last time we really traveled but I still think we can use these even if it’s our weekly trip to the supermarket or running errands as those can get interesting w/4 kids! I’m gonna try it out this weekend.
Jessica Girdwain says
I will try this with my kinders and first graders! Thanks for the great Idea!!